Clara Belle “Belle” (Hall) Adams gravestone
(Photo by Vernon B. Paddock)
B. July 1879 in Grayslake, Lake County, IL
D. December 11, 1945 in Rochester, Olmsted County, MN
Find A Grave memorial (click here)
- Father: Charles Foster Hall born January 10, 1841 in Syracuse, Odnondaga County, NY, son of William Hall (1811-1859) and Mary (Reed) Hall (1811-1884); Civil War veteran with the 37th Illinois Infantry; Charles died February 11, 1926 in Avon Township, Lake County, IL; buried in Grayslake Cemetery, Grayslake, Lake County, IL
According to the Lake County Register (Libertyville IL) Wednesday, February 17, 1926, page 3:
“Mr. Charles Hall died at his home in Hainesville of dropsy on Friday afternoon at :30 (sic). Mr. Hall was a veteran of the Civil War. The funeral services were held at 2 p. m. on Monday from the Concgegational (sic) church. The G. A. R. and American Legion officiated.”
According to the Libertyville Independent (Libertyville IL) Thursday, August 19, 1926, page 1:
“21 G.A.R. VETS
Adjutant Frank Greenleaf Says
It Is the Largest Number to”
Die in a Year.
Twenty-one civil war veterans who enlisted from Lake County have died during the lat year according to a list made public today by S. F. Greenleaf, adjutant of the Waukegan post of the G. A. R. According to Mr. Greenleaf it is by far the largest old veterans that ever had occured during a single year.
The following list gives the date of death, the names of the veterans, their company regiment etc. between the 47th annual Soldiers and Sailors reunion last year and the one that will be held in Waukegan today.”
(NOTE: The list has been edited)
Feb. 11, Charles F. Hall, Co. F, 37th Regiment, Ill. Infantry, Hainsville (sic).”
- Mother: Mary C. (Fonger) Hall born December 27, 1850, born in Fredericksburg, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario, Canada; Mary died June 12, 1926 in Avon Township, Lake County, IL; buried in Grayslake Cemetery, Grayslake, Lake County, IL
According to the Lake County Register (Libertyville IL) Saturday, June 19, 1926, page 3:
Mrs. Mary Hall of Highland Lake died on last Saturday afternoon. Funeral services were held from the M. E. Church on Monday. Rev. R. W. Nye officiating.”
- Husband: Edward Elmer Adams born May 23, 1885 in Carbon, Adams County, IA, son of Dempster Adams (1837-1925) and Anna (White) Adams (1842-1904); Edward died November 14, 1956 in Highland Park, Lake County, IL (See section pertaining to Edward Elmer Adams buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery)
- Siblings:
- William Henry Hall born August 19, 1875 in Illinois; residing on Route 20 in 1940, single, as a paper hanger for a building industry; William died September 21, 1949; buried in the Grayslake Cemetery, Grayslake, Lake County, IL
According to the U.S. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918:
“Name: William Henry Hall; Permanent Home Address: Hainesville, Lake County, Ill; Age in Years: 43; Date of Birth: August 19th 1875; Race: White: U.S. Citizen: Native Born; Present Occupation: Carpenter; Employer’s Name: Hines; Place of Employment: Waukegan, Lake County, Ill; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Mary Hall, mother, Hainesville, Lake County, Ill; Height: Tell; Build: Medium; Color of Eyes: Blue; Color of Hair: Brown; Signed: Sept 12, 1918”
According to the September 24, 1949 Chicago Tribune:
“Retired Farmer Missing;
Ask Police to Aid Here
The Lake county, Ill, sherif’s (sic) office last night asked Chicago police to aid in finding William Hall, 72, a retired farmer and a trustee of Hainesville, who disappeared Wednesday morning.”
According to the Illinois Statewide Death Index:
“Last Name: Hall; First: William; Middle: H.; Sex/Race: M/W; Age: Y-74; Cert No.: 0037414; Death Date: 1949-09-21; County: Lake; City: (blank); Date Filed: 49-09-21”
- Sarah Ellen (Hall) Sullivan born May 1877 in Grayslake, Lake County, IL; married George Albert Sullivan (1875-?) about 1912, as his second wife; George was born March 5, 1875 in Bourbon, IN, son of John Sullivan and Sarah (Martin) Sullivan; Sarah died October 14, 1951 in Waukegan, Lake County, IL (See section pertaining to Sarah Ella (Hall) Sullivan buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery)
Additional Information:
According to the 1880 U.S. Census for Antioch, Lake County, IL the household members were:
“Charles Hall, age 36, married, occupation: farmer, born in New York, parents born in New York; Mary Hall, age 29, wife, married, born in Canada, parents born in Canada; William Hall, age 4, son, single, born in Illinois; Ella Hall, age 3, daughter, single, born in Illinois; Clara Hall, age 11/12, daughter, single, born in Illinois”
According to the 1900 U.S. Census for Grays Lake Village, Avon Township, Lake County, IL the household members were:
“Charles Hall, head, born January 1841, age 59, married 30 years, born in New York, parents born in New York, occupation: farmer; Mary C. Hall, wife, born December 1850, age 49, married 30 years, 5 children born, 3 children living, born in Canada, parents born in Canada, immigrated in 1882; William H. Hall, son, born August 1875, age 24, single, born in Illinois, occupation: day laborer; Sarah E. Hall, daughter, born May 1877, age 20, single, born in Illinois; Clara B. Hall, daughter, born July 1879, age 20, single, born in Illinois”
According to the 1910 U.S. Census for Grays Lake Village, Avon Township, Lake County, IL the household members were:
“Clare Belle Hall, head, age 30, single, born in Illinois, father born in New York, mother born in Canada, occupation: operator – telephone; Ivah Smoak, boarder, age 30, widowed, 2 children born, 2 children living born in Illinois, father born in New York, mother born in Ohio, occupation: operator – telephone.”
According to the 1920 U.S. Census for Grays Lake Village, Avon Township, Lake County, IL living on Park St., the household members were:
“Edward Adams, head, 33, married, born in Iowa, parents born in U.S., occupation: laborer – wire mills; Belle Adams, wife, age 40, married, born in Illinois, father born in New York, mother born in Canada, occupation: chief operator – telephone company.”
According to the 1930 U.S. Census for Grayslake Village, Avon Township, Lake County, IL living on Slusser St., the household members were:
“Edward E. Adams, head, age 43, married at age 24, born in Iowa, parents born in New York, occupation: machinist – R. R. roundhouse; Belle C. Adams, wife, age 50, married at age 31, born in Illinois, father born in New York, mother born in Canada.”
According to the 1940 U.S. Census for Grayslake, Avon Township, Lake County, IL living on Slusser St., the household members were:
“Edw. E. Adams, head, age 54, married, highest grade completed: 8, born in Iowa, lived in same house in 1935, occupation: machinist helper – R. Road roundhouse; Belle Adams, wife, age 60, married, highest grade completed: 8, born in Illinois, lived in same house in 1935.”
According to the Lake County Illinois Genealogical Society. “Strang Funeral Home – Grayslake, Illinois – 1908-1964”. Mundelein IL. 2015:
“Surname: ADAMS; Name: Bell; Birth Date/Place: (no dob), Grayslake; Death Date/Place: 11 Dec 1945 Rochester, MN; Cause of Death: (blank); 66 yrs, Married; Occupation: Housewife; Minister – Funeral Home: Rev. PECOE, M.E. Church; Burial Place – Next of Kin: Fort Hill, Chas. E. WASHBURN (NY) – Father, Susan Ann DeLAP (NY) – Mother”