Annis (Town) Briggs gravestone
(Photo by Vernon B. Paddock)
B. about November 1788 in Fenner, Madison County, NY
D. January 31, 1876 in Hainesville, Lake County, IL
Find A Grave memorial (click here)
- Spouse: Austin Briggs born 1786 in New York; Austin died November 27, 1862 (See section pertaining to Austin Briggs buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery)
- Children:
- Ruth B. (Briggs) Hosely born September 10, 1810 in Connecticut; married Columbus Hosely (?-1879); Ruth died December 14, 1892; Ruth and Columbus are buried in Fairview Cemetery, Niotaze, Chautauqua County, KS
- Hiram Briggs born 1814; Hiram died September 20, 1855 (See section pertaining to Hiram Briggs buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery)
- Austin Putnam Briggs born about 1815 in New York; married Lucy M. Edwards (1815-1873); children born: (1) Annis J. (Briggs) Lower (1834-1885), (2) Edwin C. Briggs (1842-1897), (3) Byron Scott Briggs (1848-1914), and (4) Bayard F. Briggs (1860-1861); Austin died February 1899; Austin and Lucy are buried in New Bridgeport Cemetery, Onondaga County, NY.
- Albert Briggs born about 1817 in New York; at age 70 Albert, a physician and resident of Elmira, NY married Roxana (Davis) Delapp on November 18, 1887 in Athens, Calhoun County, MI, daughter of Lemuel C. Davis (1789-1856) and Clarissa “Clara” (Denney) Davis (1795-1856), both had been married previously once before. The witness of the marriage was Mrs. Ephelinda Wheelock of Wichita, KS. (See section pertaining to Lemuel C. Davis buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery) (See section pertaining to Clarissa “Clara” (Denney) Davis buried in Fort Hill Cemetery)
- Tryphena (Briggs) Marvin born March 6, 1824; married Steven W. Marvin (1820-1891) in 1846; Tryphena died February 25, 1891; Tryphena and Steven are buried in the Grayslake Cemetery, Grayslake, Lake County, IL
- Olive (Briggs) Aber born about 1826 in New York near Oneida Lake; married S. Pierson Aber (1828-1901) in New York; Olive died January 2, 1920 in Argentine, Wyandotte County, KS; Olive and Pierson are buried in Great Bend Cemetery, Great Bend, Barton County, KS
According to the Great Bend Tribune (Great Bend KS) Friday, January 2, 1920, page 1:
“Mrs. Olive Aber. – Mrs. Olive Aber, mother of City Commissioner L. P. Aber, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Myron Gilmore, Argentine, Kansas this morning at 6 o’clock. The remains will be brought to this city for burial, arriving Saturday evening, and the funeral service will be held at the home of her son L. P. Aber, 1211 Holland Street, Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Aber, whose maiden name was Olive Briggs, was born in the state of New York, near Oneida Lake, the daughter of Austin Briggs, a minister. She had reached the age of 94 years on the 29th of last July. Mrs. Aber and her husband, Pearson Aber were early residents of Great Bend, coming to Great Bend first in 1882 for a short time, and making this city their permanent residence in 1884. For a number of years she has made her home with Mrs. Gilmore. She was well known to most of the people of this city and her very many friends will be sorry indeed to hear of her death.”
7. Ephalinda (Briggs) Wheelock born about 1828 in New York; married Jerome Wheelock (1825-possibly 1860). According to the 1880 U. S. Federal Census she was widowed living with her daughter and son-in-law, Edward and Minerva (Wheelock) Seesholts in Stevens County, MN. The 1885 Kansas State Census states the Ephalinda lived in Wichita, Sedgwick County, KS again with her daughter and son-in-law, Ed and Minerva Seesholts.
According to the Chicago Tribune (Chicago IL) Monday, February 27, 1860, page 1:
“DIED. – At McHenry, Ill., JEROME R. WHEELOCK, aged 34 years.”; According to the 1880 U. S. Federal Census she was widowed living with her daughter and son-in-law, Edward and Minerva (Wheelock) Seesholts in Stevens County, MN. The 1885 Kansas State Census states the Ephalinda lived in Wichita, Sedgwick County, KS again with her daughter and son-in-law, Ed and Minerva Seesholts. (See section pertaining to Edgar Lewis Seesholts buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery) (See section pertaining to Sarah Minerva (Wheelock) Seesholts buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery)
Additional Information:
According to the 1850 U.S. Census for the Town of Avon, Lake County, IL, the household members were:
“Austin Briggs, age 64, occupation farmer, born in Connecticut; Anna (sic Annis) Briggs, age 62, born in New York, Jerome Wheelock, age 25, occupation: farmer, born in New York; Ephalinda Wheelock, age 22, born in Illinois; Sarah M. Wheelock, age 2/12, born in Illinois”
According to the 1860 U.S. Census for the Town of Avon, Lake County, IL with a Hainesville post office, the household members were:
“Ostin (sic Austin) Briggs, age 74, occupation: farmer, born in New York; Allice (sic Annis) Briggs, age 72, born in Vermont; Ephflinda Wealock (sic Wheelock) age 22, born in New York; Manira Wealock (Wheelock), age 10, born in Illinois; Harry J. Wealock; (Wheelock), age 3, born in Illinois; Abbey Briggs, age 40, born in New York; Henry Briggs, age 17, occupation: farmer, born in Illinois; Wallice Briggs, age 15, born in Illinois”
According to the 1870 U.S. Census for the Town of Avon with a Hainesville post office, the household members were:
“Epheline Wheelock, age 42, occupation: keeping house, born in New York; Minerva Wheelock, age 20, born in Illinois, Harry J. Wheelock, age 13, born in Illinois; Annis Sprague (sic Briggs), age 81, occupation: retired, born in Vermont”
According to the Waukegan Weekly Gazette (Waukegan IL) Saturday, February 5, 1876, page 3:
“BRIGGS. – In Hainesville, Lake county, Ill., Jan. 31, 1876, Mrs. Annis Briggs, aged 87 years and 2 months.”