B. March 4, 1867 in Volo, Lake County, IL
D. February 16, 1954 in Zion, Lake County, IL
Find A Grave memorial (click here)
- Father: Jonathan Richardson born October 3, 1814 in Kirkbymoorside, Ryedale District, North Yorkshire, England; married Agnes Buckingham about 1845 in Yorkshire, England; Jonathan died on September 24, 1895 in Volo, Lake County, IL; buried in Volo Cemetery, Wauconda, Lake County, IL
According to the McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry IL) Wednesday, October 9, 1895, page 5:
We publish, by request, the following Obituary notice of Jonathan Richardson, of Volo, which appeared in the Waukegan Herald on October 3d.
“Jonathan Richardson, was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1815, and died at his home Sept. 24th, 1895. He, with his family, came to Illinois and located near Volo, where they have resided up to the time of his death. He leaves a widow, seven sons and three daughters. Two daughters preceeded him to the better land some years ago. There are twenty three grandchildren living and one deceased. he was married to Miss Agnes Buckingham, of his native town, with whom he lived fifty years. He was a man of integrity, sobriety and honesty, a devoted husband and a kind father. in early life he and his companion united with the church of England. in his last hour he realized he was drawing near the other shore and that the Heavenly Father was waiting to receive him where the weary will be at rest. He will be missed in the home and in the circle of friends and acquaintances. We commend his aged and afflicted widow and mourning sons and daughters to the Heavenly Father who promises to give grace for every time of need. Rev. Jos. Caldwell officiated at the funeral and gave an interesting address. The choir was Mr. Burge and family with his sister, Mrs. Battershall, of Grays Lake, and their songs were beautiful and appropiate.”
- Mother: Agnes (Buckingham) Richardson born May 30, 1827 in Yorkshire, England; Agnes died October 9, 1895 in Volo, Lake County, IL; buried in the Volo Cemetery, Wauconda, Lake county, IL
According to the Lake County Independent (Libertyville IL) Friday, October 18, 1895, page 1:
“Mrs. Agnes Richardson.
Was born in England, May 30, 1827, and died at her home in Volo, Ill., Oct. 9, 1895, in her 69th year. She came to Illinois with her husband, Jonathan Richardson, in 1849 and located on a farm near Volo, where she resided until death. She leaves seven sons and three daughters, also twenty-two grand-children. Two daughters and one grand child are deceased. She was the mother of twelve children. She was married to her late husband Jonathan Richardson in England over fifty years ago with whom she lived until his decease Sept. 24, 1895, she survived him fifteen days. They are now united in the summer land of eternity where there will be no more parting. She was a woman of sterling character; to know her was to love and respect her for her good qualities of mind and heart. As a wife she was thoroughly devoted to the interests of her beloved husband, as a mother she was self sacrificing and constant in he care and affection for her children who call her blessed. As a neighbor and friend, she was held in high esteem. In early life she united with the church of England in her native land and continued faithful to its teachings throughout all the years of her residence in the land of her adoption. A great shadow has fallen over the home where she presided as wife and mother for a half a century. Many mourn because a good woman has been taken from them but they rejoice that she has gone to receive the reward of the faithful. They hope to meet her in the home of the soul, where sorrow and parting are never known. The funeral service was held in the Volo M. E. church, Friday, Oct. 11, where a large concourse of friends and neighbors gathered to pay their last tribute of respect. The service was conducted by their former pastor Rev. Joseph Caldwell who gave an able and inspiring address. The same pall bearers who served at Mr. Richardson funeral, also the same singers from Grayslake who rendered those beautiful songs in a pleasing manner. The remains were laid to rest by the side of her faithful husband in the Volo cemetery.”
- Husband: William “Bill” Dunnill born June 22 1863 in England; married (1) Rose Richardson on November 9, 1885 in Lake County, IL; married (2) Minnie F. (Schultz) Richardson (1874-1963) on November 1, 1916 in St. Joseph, Berrien County, MI, and again on March 12, 1920 in Chicago, Cook County, IL, daughter of Frederick “Fred” Schultz (1831-1900) and Friederika Schultz (1831-1914); William died March 24, 1954 in Chicago, Cook County, IL; buried in Town of Maine Cemetery, Park Ridge, Cook County, IL
According to the Bess Bower Dunn Museum (formerly the Lake County Museum), Lake County, Illinois History blog titled, “Volo Women Vigilantes of 1913” (Friday, August 12, 2011) by Diana Dretske, Curator:
“Volo Women Vigilantes of 1913
To be “ridden on a rail” was a common form of mob punishment in Colonial America, but curiously, it turned up in the village of Volo in 1913. For those of you not familiar with this term, riding the rail or being run out of town on a rail, was a humiliating punishment in which the victim was made to straddle a wooden fence rail held on the shoulders of men, and then paraded around town and taken to the town limits and dumped.
Generally, it was a man who was ridden on a rail, but in the case of Volo, it was a woman, and women who ran her out of town!
Scene of the “ridden on a rail” incident. Volo’s Main Street, circa 1900. (LCDM Collection) Volo is located in western Lake County in the area of Routes 12 & 120. It was known as Forksville until 1868 when the name changed for unknown reasons.
On the evening of July 15, 1913, fifteen women and one man of Volo attacked Mrs. Minnie Schultz Richardson (1874-1963) and made her ride a rail for allegedly having relations with William Dunnill, (1865-1954) her brother-in-law.
Minnie F. Schultz married John Richardson in 1904. Richardson was a general store keeper in Volo, and was crippled. Richardson’s sister Rose, married English immigrant and mason, William Dunnill, in 1885 in Wauconda.
Minnie stated in the Lake County Independent: “They say I went buggy riding with him and left my helpless husband at home. It is a cruel lie. I made two trips to McHenry, Ill., in a wagon to get furniture. He is my brother-in-law and he went with me to help me.”
Minnie Richardson (above) as pictured in the “Lake County Independent” on July 25, 1913.
The town’s women met about the rumors and decided to take action against the perceived immorality.
It was one of the “captains” of the group, Emma Stadtfield/Stadfield (right), the wife of the town’s blacksmith, who went to the Richardson home at dusk to pay a call while the other women hid around a corner. When Minnie came to the door, Emma, who was described in the newspaper as “weighs 180 pounds and is athletic,” grabbed her and dragged her to her waiting compatriots.
Emma Stadtfield as photographed on July 24, 1913 for the Lake County Independent.
Emma brought Minnie to the group of about 15 women and one man who immediately started tearing at her dress, and placed her on a twelve-foot fence rail. They carried her a quarter mile (with boys following the procession) to a partially dried pond and jerked the rail back and forth until she fell into the mud. They then kicked Minnie and threw mud at her, all the while taunting her and told her to leave town in 24-hours or they would “apply a coat of tar.” In Colonial times, being ridden on a rail was often accompanied by tarring and feathering.
Cartoon of the rail riding from the Lake County Independent, July 25, 1913.
Minnie said in the paper: “So jealous were my neighbors and so peculiar had been their attitude that I had long expected they would do something to injure me—not physically, but in a way that would destroy my peace of mind.”
When Minnie had not left town by the following evening, the women reportedly came to her house with a pail of hot tar, but were unable to get inside. Early the next morning, John Richardson “bundled his wife into a rig and drove eighteen miles to Waukegan, where he obtained $1,500 by mortgaging his store.” She then caught a train to Chicago to stay with her sister.
Eight of the women who acted in the incident were photographed on July 24, 1913 for the Lake County Independent with the identical rail used. From left to right: Mrs. Albert Miller, Mrs. George Bohr, Mrs. A.J. (Lavinia) Raymond, Mrs. John (Alma) Walton, Mrs. Peter (Emma) Stadtfield, Mrs. Chris Sable, Mrs. John (Anna) Stadtfeldt, Mrs. Jack Frost.
Rose Richardson Dunnill, the wife of Will Dunnill, was also one of the women vigilantes. She left town for several days after the incident to “recuperate from the shock of the rail-riding.” It was also reported that her husband mortgaged their home to have money to flee to London, England. (William had immigrated from England in 1884).
Page from Volo’s business directory, 1913-1914, showing the Richardsons and Stadtfields. (LCDM Collection)
Emma Stadtfield was defiant after the incident. “I’ll be right at home when the Sheriff comes,” she stated to the New York Times. The story had become national news! “We are not afraid of arrest, and we’ll ride Mrs. Richardson on a rail again if she ever shows herself here.”
When asked by a reporter if she would return to Volo, Minnie stated: “No, never. I could not do it—they were so mean—it was a terrible place. I am going away and start over. I will ask my husband to come to me.”
“Someone will have to suffer for bringing this disgrace on us,” said Minnie’s husband, John Richardson. The newspaper noted that Richardson was interviewed from his wheel chair from which he was unable to move. “My wife is a good woman. She is the victim of malicious gossip… And to think I was helpless to save her from the indignities heaped upon her.”
John Richardson filed warrants against five of the women, the key instigators—Emma Stadtfield, Anna Stadtfield, Mrs. Chris Sable, Alma Walton, and Mrs. Jack Raymond. In October 1913, the “rail party” of five women and one man, Edward Krepel, who had “dressed in the garb of a woman,” were indicted by a Lake County grand jury. All but Krepel, who “vanished,” went to trial. By December, the women were found guilty of rioting.
Lake County courthouse where the Volo women were tried for “rioting” in the “riding the rail” trial. Acmegraph Co. postcard, circa 1910. LCDM 61.8.24.
State’s Attorney R.J. Dady said in the trial: “They made themselves judge and jury and executioners of this little woman; they took the law into their hands without asking state or our courts to chastise her for any lawbreaking she may have committed… If you permit them, even if they are women, to go free, you encourage acts such as occur in the south and raise resentment in the north.”
The guilty were fined $100 each by Judge Charles Donnelly of the Circuit Court of Waukegan. The Judge also censured the women, saying that their sex alone saved them from receiving the maximum penalty of a $300 fine and six months in jail. The newspapers also noted that four of the women convicted were grandmothers.
What became of the people involved in this criminal incident?
Emma Stadtfield and her blacksmith husband, Peter, remained married and in Volo.
John and Minnie Richardson divorced. In 1920, John is listed as divorced and renting a home in Avon Township, Lake County, and died the following year. Minnie went to live in Chicago. It’s possible the $1,500 that John gave her was part of the marriage dissolution.
William and Rose Dunnill also divorced. On November 1, 1916, William Dunnill and Minnie Schultz Richardson married in St. Joseph, Berrien, Michigan seeming to confirm the rumors that sparked the Volo women’s fury three years previously. They were married a second time on March 12, 1920 in Chicago, Illinois. They were married for 38 years.
An entry from the Michigan marriage book for William Dunnill and Minnie Schultz, 1916.
William Dunnill and Minnie Schultz’s Chicago marriage certificate, 1920.
John Richardson summed up the actions of the vigilantes: “It was an act of middle age barbarism and hardly worthy of women of Illinois who have just obtained the right to vote.” On June 26, 1913, the State of Illinois had approved women’s suffrage.
- Children:
- Agnes Ann (Dunnill) Hironimus born April 30, 1886 in Volo, Lake County, IL; married William Clarance Hironimus (1882-1975) on August 30, 1906 in Waukegan, Lake County, IL, son of Frank Hironimus (1840-1919) and Catherine “Kate” (Spoerlein) Hironimus (1845-1914); Agnes died January 6, 1950 in Waukegan, Lake County, IL (See section pertaining to Agnes Ann (Dunnill) Hironimus buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery) (See section pertaining to William Clarance Hironimus buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery)
- Lucille Jane “Lucy” (Dunnill) Bohne born August 15, 1888 in Volo, Lake County, IL; married Henry William Bohne (1888-1967) on June 26, 1913 in Kane County, IL, son of Ernest Bohne (1855-1933) and Caroline “Carrie” (Knickrehm) Bohne (1858-1939); Lucille died May 6, 1935 in Elgin, Kane County, IL; Lucille and Henry are buried in Bluff City Cemetery, Elgin, Cook County, IL
According to the McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry IL) Thursday, May 16, 1935, page 2:
“Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and daughter, Mrs. Joseph Lenzen, Mrs. Grace Kirwan, Mrs. M. Wagner and John Wortz attended the funeral of Mrs. Henry Bolme (sic) (Lucy Dunnell (sic) at Elgin Thursday. Mrs. Bohne is a daughter of Mrs. Rose Dunnell (sic) and was born and raised in Volo. This community extends their sympathy to Mrs. Rose Dunnell.”
- Siblings:
- Elijah “George” Richardson born January 3, 1847 in England; married Clarissa Ann Ellis (1842-1912) in 1871, daughter of Ebenezer Ellis (1801-1879) and Fidillia Ellis (1807-?); Elijah died February 28, 1922 in Waukegan, Lake County, IL; Elijah and Clarissa are buried in Grant Cemetery, Ingleside, Lake County, IL
According to the Waukegan Daily Sun (Waukegan IL) Wednesday, March 1, 1922, page 9:
End comes to Round Lake and
Volo business man at Lake
county General Hospital
George Richardson, 75, of Round Lake, pioneer resident of Lake county, for 71 years, died Tuesday noon at the Lake County General hospital, followin gan (sic) illness of two and a half months which caused his retirement from business last December.
Mr. Richardson came to Lake county from England with his parents when only four years of age, settling at Volo. He became a farmer but 45 years ago entered the general merchandise business at Volo. Twenty years ago he established a general merchandise store at Round Lake in which he continued until ill health last December compelled him to turn it over to his son George E. Richardson. His wife died ten years ago. He is survived by two children, the son George and daughter Mrs. Eliza Ann Davis of Fremont, and four brothers and 3 sisters as follows.
Mrs. Rose Dunnill, Volo; Mrs. Jaine Vasey, Round Lake; Mrs. Mary Ann Dowell of Grayslake, Robert and William of Grayslake, Daniel of Volo and George of St. Paul.
Funeral services from the residence Friday afternoon at 1 o’clock with interment in Grant cemetery.”
According to the Waukegan Daily Sun (Waukegan IL) Saturday, March 4, 1922, page 12:
“The funeral of Elijah Richardson, pioneer merchant of Round Lake and Volo was held Friday at his home at Round Lake, with interment in Grant cemetery. The Masonic lodge, of Grayslake, had charge of the services. There was a very large attendance at the funeral.”
- William Richardson born June 18, 1850 in Volo, Lake County, IL; married (1) Ernestine Howard on August 4, 1881 in Lake County, IL; married (2) Daisy M. Gill (1872-1947) on March 17, 1896 in Lake County, IL, daughter of Hiram Gill and Sarah (Crabtree) Gill; William died October 16, 1938 in Grayslake, Lake County, IL; buried in Grant Cemetery, Ingleside, Lake County, IL
- George Richardson born February 16, 1852 in Volo, Lake County, IL; married Elvira Gardinier (1852-1917) in 1883; George died March 18, 1924 in Saint Paul, Ramsey County, MN; George and Elvira are buried in Grayslake Cemetery, Grayslake, Lake County, IL
According to the McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry IL) Thursday, March 27, 1924, page 7:
“Mrs. Rose Dunnill attended the funeral of her brother, George Richardson, at Grayslake Saturday”
- Robert Richardson born October 23, 1854 in Wauconda, Lake County, IL; married Mary Ann “Matie” Moore (1866-1946), daughter of David Moore and Harriett (Warner) (Moore) Gibison (1844-1914); Robert died May 25, 1939 in Grayslake, Lake County, IL; Robert and Mary Ann are buried in Avon Centre Cemetery, Grayslake, Lake County, IL
- Mary Ann (Richardson) Dowell born May 8, 1857 in Wauconda, Lake County, IL; married John Dowell (1847-1927) on August 23, 1876 in Lake County, IL; Mary Ann died September 27, 1931 in Wauconda, Lake County, IL; John and Mary are buried in Volo Cemetery, Wauconda, Lake County, IL
According to the Waukegan News Sun (Waukegan IL) Monday, September 28, 1931, page 8:
Mrs. Mary Ann Dowell Passes
Away At Home Of Daughter
In Wauconda Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Ann Dowell, 74, one of Lake county’s oldest residents, died at 7:45 o’clock last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jane Edinger of Wauconda. Mrs. Dowell, born at Volo, Illinois, and a county resident during her entire life, had been ill for some time. Her husband, John, died four years ago.
Mrs. Dowell is survived by four sons, Ray, Joseph, Bert and Fred, all of McHenry; two daughters, Mrs. Jane Edinger of Wauconda and Mrs. Charlotte Peck of Aurora; two brothers, George and Jonathan Richardson of Grayslake; two sisters, Mrs. Jane Vasey of Round Lake and Mrs. Rose Dunnell (sic) of Volo; twenty nine grand children and twelve great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held from the Edinger home Wednesday afternoon at one o’clock, and from the Volo church at two o’clock. Burial will be made in Volo cemetery.”
- Jane Elizabeth (Richardson) Vasey born June 9, 1859 in Wauconda, Lake County, IL; married John Vasey (1840-1913) on November 2, 1882 in Lake County, IL, son of Francis Vasey (1807-1876) and Ann (Glaves) Vasey (1797-1880); John was a Civil War Veteran (1861-1864 and 1864-1865) with the 8th Regimental Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, Company H; Jane died December 29, 1944 in Round Lake, Lake County, IL; Jane and John are buried in Wauconda Cemetery, Wauconda, Lake County, IL
- Daniel Richardson born July 30, 1861 in Volo, Lake County, IL; Daniel died October 11, 1930 in Round Lake, Lake County, IL; buried in Volo Cemetery, Wauconda, Lake County, IL
- John Richardson born December 25, 1864 in Volo, Lake County, IL; married Minnie F. Schultz (1874-1963) on January 6, 1904 in Chicago, Cook County, IL and divorced after 1913, daughter of Frederick “Fred” Schultz (1831-1900) and Friederika Schultz (1831-1914); John died July 4, 1921 in Waukegan, Lake County, IL; buried in Volo Cemetery, Wauconda, Lake County, IL
According to the Waukegan News-Sun (Waukegan IL) Tuesday, July 5, 1921, pages 1 and 9:
J. Richardson
Passes Away At
Lake County
Invalid Husband defender of
woman who figured in case,
succumbs at Hospital
Oct. 8, 1913 – Women indicted charged with rioting.
Oct. 13 – Appeared before court, bail fixed at $300 each
Nov. 3 – Motion to quash indictment and plea of not guilty entered
Dec. 1 – Mrs. Wagner asked for separate trial.
Dec. 2, 3, 4, 5 – trial of women and verdict of guilty of all but Mrs. Wagner.
Feb. 14, 1914 – Motion for new trial overruled and each woman fined $100 and costs and ordered commiteed (sic) to county jail until fine and costs paid, not over 30 days in jail.
Feb. 16 – States attorney appeared and moved that fines and sentence be remitted if defendants paid the court costs. They did so and escaped jail.
Feb. 15, 1915 – Judgment for $1,500 entered against the woman defendants in favor of Mrs. Richardson who sued them for personal damages in rail riding case. Later the estate of Mrs. Raymond had to pay same as the other women pleaded poverty and escaped their responsibility.
July 4, 1921 – John Richardson, husband of the woman whose ride on the rail caused the above series of court actions, died a helpless cripple, in Lake County hospital following weeks of being bedridden.
John Richardson, husband of the woman who figured in the notorious Volo rail-riding case, died at the Lake County hospital Monday night and Mrs. Richardson, the wife was not present nor had she been near him during the last several weeks of his illness.
Richardson was 56 years of age and two weeks ago was brought to the Lake County hospital from his home near Volo and was in a pitable condition, with bed sores, etc. About all that could be done for him was to make him as comfortable as possible for the remainder of his life. Richardson, it is recalled, had been an invalid for a great number of years and even at the time his wife was made the unwilling principal in the famous rail riding case wherein a band of Volo women took her from the porch of her husband’s store and rode her on a rail and then dumped her in a puddle of mud,he was then using a wheel chair about the store. At the time that affair took place, about 7 o’clock one autumn evening Richardson and his wife were sitting on the porch of the store at the entrance to the village.
Seized on Porch.
It was there that the band of women seized Mrs. Richardson and despite the protest of her invalid husband, sitting in his wheel chair, they carried her off and gave her a ride which brought about many ramifications and litigations later. It was recalled that Mrs. Richardson, after the affair made complaint before State’s Atty. Dady and all of the women were arrested, held to the grand jury, indicted and later tried for rioting. They were all found guilty and subsequently fined.
The trail that progressed in circuit court proved one of the most sensational ever held here. The women fought the case bitterly, declining that they absolutely did not treat Mrs. Richardson as she claimed. however, the jury concluded they did and brought in the verdict holding all the women guilty.
Husband and Wife.
All during the sensational trial wherein the Volo women were being prosecuted for riot Richardson was in the court house in his invalid chair confident in the belief that they would be held guilty for ……. his wife. It is recalled that the women claimed that Mrs. Richardson had been “carrying on with other men in the community” and that therefore the so-called treatment was planned as punishment, although they insisted they did not treat her as harshly as she claimed.
The man’s name in the case was Bill Donnell (sic) but Richardson insisted that his wife was innocent of any wrong doing and all during the trail he was at his wife’s side hoping to see her assailants convicted.
And the jury held with Richardson and pronounced the women guilty.
Recovers in Damage Case.
Later Mrs. Richardson started suit against the various women as a body to recover damages for the treatment she had received. This case also attracted wide interest and was in the local circuit court.
$1500 Damages
The verdict, was given in favor of Mrs. Richardson and then came the efforts to collect same from the various women. They all pleaded poverty with the exception of the Raymonds, and finally the case was carried to the appellate court. They ruled that any one of the number of people who participated in such an affair could be holden for all of them. It was not long after that Mrs. Raymond died, but ultimately the court held against her estate and therefore a year or so ago the Raymond estate paid to Mrs. Richardson the amount settled for, $1,500.
It was not long after the case was ended in the circuit court however, that Mrs. Richardson moved away from Volo, the scenes of her many troubles. She located in a suburb near Chicago, and Richardson also went there for a time.
They lived together for short while but ultimately Mrs. Richardson drifted away from her invalid husband and is said to have been living in the West for some years past. Richardson has lived in and about Chicago and then later moved back to Lake county where he had been for some time past.
While at first after the sensational affair at Volo, Richardson expressed his positive belief in his wife, later, in talking with representatives of the press his expressions were not so positive as they had been originally. He could not understand why his wife was drifting away from him and finally left him completely is not known whether he ever attempted to secure a divorce or actually had one.
Richardson was entirely helpless and used to run the store in Volo by working around the place in his wheel chair.
According to the Libertyville Independent (Libertyville IL) Thursday, July 7, 1921, page 7:
“John Richardson was born at Volo, December 25, 1864, and died at the Lake County hospital July 4, 1921. He was one of eight children, seven of whom survive him – Elijah Richardson and Mrs. John Vasey of Round Lake; George of St. Paul, Minn.; Daniel Richardson and Mrs. Rose Durham (sic) of Volo; William, Robert and Mrs. John Dowell of Grayslake. Mr. Richardson was in ill healthy for more than twenty years. He conducted a store at Volo for many years, doing his work for a greater part of the time from a wheel chair. He came to Grayslake about five years ago and opened a grocery store, and for a time it seemed as if his health would return to him, but he was again stricken in March, 1919, and since that time has been a helpless invalid, but all the time a patient and cheerful sufferer. Funeral services were held fro mthe (sic) Volo M. E. church Wednesday at 1 p. m., the Rev. E. M. Judd officiating.”
- Jonathan B. Richardson born December 7, 1869 in Volo, Lake County, IL; Jonathan died October 19, 1914 in Volo, Lake County, IL; buried in Volo Cemetery, Wauconda, Lake County, IL
According to the McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry IL) Thursday, October 22, 1914, page 1:
Jonathan Richardson passed away at his late home at Volo on Monday of this week after months of suffering and pain. The deceased was born and raised at Volo, where he has spent his entire life. The funeral took place from his late home on Wednesday afternoon of this week.”
Additional Information:
According to the 1880 U.S. Census for Wauconda, Lake County, IL, the household members were:
“Jn Richardson, age 64, married, Occupation: Farmer, born in England, parents born in England; Agnes Richardson, age 54, wife, born in England, parents born in England; Robert Richardson, age 27, son, single, born in Illinois; Jane Richardson, age 20, daughter, single, born in Illinois; Daniel Richardson, age 18, son, born in Illinois; John Richardson, age 16, son, born in Illinois; Rosa Richardson, age 14, daughter, born in Illinois; Jonathan Richardson Jr, age 11, son, born in Illinois”
According to the 1900 U.S. Census for Volo Village, Wauconda Township, Lake County, IL, the household members were:
“William Dunnill, head, born June 1863, age 36, married for 14 years, born in England, parents born in England, naturalized in 1884, Number of years in U.S.: 16, naturalized, Occupation: Laborer; Rose A Dunnill, wife, born March 1866, age 34, married for 14 years, 2 children born, 2 children living, born in Illinois, parents born in England; Agnes A Dunnill, daughter, born April 1886, age 14, single, born in Illinois; Lucy J Richardson, daughter, born August 1888, age 11, single, born in Illinois; Jonathon B Ricardson (sic), b in law, born December 1869, age 30, single, born in Illinois, parents born in England, Occupation: Laborer; Daniel Ricardson (sic), b in law, born July 1872, age 27, single, born in Illinois, parents born in England, Occupation: Laborer”
According to the U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995 (Waukegan, Illinois, City Directory, 1905):
Dunnill Wm (Rose wife) mason
According to the 1910 U.S. Census for Round Lake Village, Avon Township, Lake County, IL the household members were:
“William Hironimus, head, age 26, married once for 4 years, born in Illinois, parents born in Germany, occupation: livery man – general; Agnes Hironimus, wife, age 23, married once for 4 years, 1 child born, 1 child living, born in Illinois, father born in England, mother born in Illinois; Chester Hironimus, son, age 2, single, born in Illinois; George Hironimus, brother, age 29, single, born in Illinois, parents born in Germany, occupation: laborer – livery.”
According to the 1920 U.S. Census for Wauconda Township, Lake County, IL, the household members were:
“Rose Dunnill, head, age 54, married, born in Illinois, born in England, parents born in England; Frederick Dunnill, brother in law, age 65, widowed, immigrated in 1889, naturalized in 1895, born in England, parents born in England, Occupation: Tiling work – farm drainage”
According to the 1930 U.S. Census for Unincorporated place: Volo Town, Wauconda Township, Lake County, IL the household members were:
“Rose A Dunnwill (sic), head, age 64, divorced, first married at 20, born in Illinois, parents born in England; Fred Dunnwill (sic) brother in law, age 75, widowed, first married at 30, born in England, parents born in England, Occupation: Laborer – odd jobs”
According to the 1950 U.S. Census for Round Lake Village, Avon Township, Lake County, IL, living on Cedar Lake Road, the household members were:
“William Hironimus, head, age 65, widowed, born in Illinois, Occupation: Drives Grader – City Maintenance; Rose Dunhill, mother in law, age 84, divorced, born in Illinois”
According to the Waukegan News Sun (Waukegan IL) February 17, 1954:
“Mrs. Rose Dunnill
ROUND LAKE – Mrs. Rose Dunnill, 86, who had made her home with her son-in-law, William Hironimus of Round Lake for the past 16 years, died yesterday in Zion Rest Home following an illness of two years.
Mrs. Dunnill was born in Volo on March 4, 1867, to Jonathan and Agnes Richardson.
Surviving are another son-in-law, Henry Bohne of Elgin; one grandson, Chester Hironimus of Waukegan; and four great grand daughters.
Services will be held this Friday at 2 p.m. in the Strang Chapel of Grayslake, the Rev. Stephen Liddicoat officiating. Burial will be in Fort Hill Cemetery.
Friends may call at funeal (sic) home after 7 p.m. today.”
According to the Lake County Illinois Genealogical Society. “Strang Funeral Home – Grayslake, Illinois – 1908-1964”. Mundelein IL. 2015:
“Surname: DUNNILL; Name: Rose; Birth Date/Place: 04 Mar 1867, volo; Death Date/Place: 16 Feb 1954, Zion; Cause of Death: Heart Disease; Div; Occupation: n/a; Minister – Funeral Home: Rev. LIDDICOAT, Chapel; Burial Place – Next of Kin: Fort Hill, Jonathan RICHARDSON-Father, Agnes PARKINSON-Mother”