Chester Earl Hagen, Sr.
(photo by Heather Pedersen, Findagrave contributor)

Chester Earl Hagen, Sr. gravestone
(Photo by Vernon B. Paddock)

B. November 21, 1918 in Albert Lee, Freeborn County, MN
M. WW II Veteran, Private First Class, 9400 Tech SVC Unit
D. September 26, 1968 in Hines, Cook County, IL
Find A Grave memorial (click here)

According to the Daily Sentinel (Woodstock IL) Thursday, February 25, 1971, page 5:


   LEWIS, WASH. (AHTN-C) Feb. 8 – Army Private Terrance A. Hagen, whose mother, Mrs. Margaret E. Hagen, lives at 1102 West St., Spring Grove, Ill., recently completed eight weeks of basic training at the U.S. Army Training Center, Infantry, Ft. Lewis, Wash.
   He received instruction in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, combat tactics, military courtesy, military justice, fist aid, and army history and traditions.
   Pvt. Hage, whose wife, Wendy, lives at 700 E. McKinley, Mundelein, Ill., attended Grant Community High School, Fox Lake.”

Additional Information:

According to the 1920 U.S. Census for Albert Lea City, Freeborn County, MN, living at 210 E. College Street, the household members were:

“Clarence Hagen, head, age 26, married, born in Minnesota, parents born in Norway, occupation: shackling – packing house; Mary Hagen, wife, age 24, married, immigrated 1903, naturalized 1914, born in Denmark, parents born in Denmark; Palmer Hagen, son, age 4 11/12, single, born in Minnesota; Chester Hagen, son, age 1 2/12, single, born in Minnesota”

According to the 1930 U.S. Census for Albert Lea City, Albert Lea Township, Freeborn County, Minnesota living at 415 Newton Street, the household members were:

“Clarence L. Hagen, head, age 37, married at age 22, born in Minnesota, parents born in Norway, occupation: agent – oil bulk plant; Mary, Hagen, wife, age 35, married at age 18, born in Denmark, parents born in Denmark, occupation: waitress – café; Palmer C. Hagen, song, age 15, single, born in Minnesota; Chester E. Hagen, son, age 11, single, born in Minnesota; Clarence L. Hagen, son, age 5, single, born in Minnesota”

According to the 1940 U.S. Census for Chicago, Cook County, IL living at 5241 Montrose Avenue, the household members were:

“William C. McCanless, head, age 55, married, highest grade completed: H-4, born in Kansas, lived in same place in 1935, occupation: salesman – automobile; Margaret McCanless, wife, age 55, married, highest grade completed: 8, born in Missouri, lived in same place in 1935; Frederick McCanless, son, age 28, single, highest grade completed: H-1, born in Missouri, lived in same place in 1935, occupation: grocery clerk – r. grocery; Jack McCanless, son, age 28, single, highest grade completed: H-4, born in Illinois, lived in same place in 1935; Chester Hagen, son-in-law, age 24, married, highest grade completed: 8, born in Minnesota, lived in Albert Lee, Freeborn County, MN in 1935, occupation: painter – building construction; Margaret Hagen, daughter, age 24, married, highest grade completed: H-2, born in Illinois, lived in same place in 1935, occupation: checker – r. grocery”

According to the 1950 U.S. Census for Round Lake Beach Village, Avon Township, Lake County, IL living on Golfview Dr, the household members were: 

“Chester E Hagen, head, age 31, never married (sic), born in Minnesota, Occupation: Bus Driver – School Bus; Margaret E Wife, age 34, age 34, never married (sic), born in Illinois; Chester E Hagen Jr, son, age 8, never married, born in Illinois; Kenneth G Hagen, son, age 5, never married, born in Illinois; William E McCanleee, father-in-law, age 65, widowed, born in Kansas, Was he living in this same house a year ago?: Yes, What country were his father and mother born in?: U.S, What is the highest grade of school that he has attended?: S11, Did he finish this grade?: Yes, Las year, in how many weeks did this person do any work at all?: None, Last year how much money did he receive from interest, dividends, veteran’s allowances, pension, rents, or other income?: $161”

According to the U.S., Chicago And North Western Railroad Employment Records, 1935-1970:

“Chester Earl Hagen, born November 1, 1918 in Albert, MN; son of Clearence (sic) L. Hagen and Karla Marie Jensen; hired October 1950; record date: October 31, 1950; record place: Round Lake, IL; occupation: trucker”

According to the U.S. City Directories, 1922-1995; 1958 Modesto, CA City Directory:

“Hagen, Chester (Margt) mgr Purity Store Ltd r380 School (Oak)”

According to the Daily Sentinel (Woodstock IL) Wednesday, October 2, 1968, page 14:

    McHENRY – Funeral services for Chester E. Hagen, Sr., 49, 39 Rushmore Road, Fox Lake, who died Thursday in Hines Veterans Hospital, father of Kenneth Hagen of Spring Grove, were held Monday in the Strang funeral home, Grayslake.  Burial was in Fort Hill cemetery, Round Lake.
   He was born November 21, 1918 in Albert Lea, Minn., and lived in Round Lake for 23 years before moving to Fox Lake a year ago.
   He was a painter and decorator and served with Signal Corps in World War II.
   Surviving are his widow, Margaret, two other sons, Chester, Grayslake, and Terrance, at home; a brother Palmer Hagen, his stepfather, Nick Leinhold, both of Round Lake; and two grandchildren.”