William Kramer
(Photo by Ancestry.com contributor “subeso”)
William Kramer gravestone
(Photo by Vernon B. Paddock)
B. January 21, 1883 in Warthe, Uckermark, Brandenburg, Germany
D. June 29, 1965
Find A Grave memorial (click here)
- Father: Carl Friedrich August Krämer born in August 10, 1855 in Rosenow, Uckermark, Brandenburg, German, son of August Joachim Friedrich Krämer (1821-?) and Wilhelmine Friederike Christine (Güldenstein) Krämer; Carl died in September 19, 1897 in Kennan, Price county, WI; buried in Kennan Cemetery, Price County, WI
- Mother: Wilhelmine Caroline Henriette (Schulz) Kramer born September 8, 1849 in Warthe, Uckermark, Brandenburg, Germany; Wilhelmine died April 20, 1942 in Kennan, Price County, WI; buried in Kennan Cemetery, Kennan, Price County, WI
- Wife: Margaret Kramer born about 1883 in Poland
- Siblings:
- Anna K. (Kramer) Daugs born November 17, 1873 in Warthe, Uckermark, Brandenberg, Germany; married (1) Carl Wilhelnm August Grensing (1860-1896) on August 5, 1893 in Phillips, Price County, WI; married (2) August F. Daugs (1872-1927) on December 26, 1898 in Kennan, Price County, WI; Anna died August 27, 1916 in Jamestown, Stutsman County, ND; Anna and August are buried in Rest Cemetery, Pingree, Stutsman County, ND
According to the Jamestown Weekly Alert (Jamestown ND) Thursday, September 7, 1916, page 8:
“Patriot: Mrs. Aug Daugs passed away at Parkview hospital at Jamestown on Sunday morning, Aug. 27th, after an operation for tumor and cancer of the bowels from which ailment she had been ill and suffering for several years past and from which she gradually grew weaker until the end came.
Mrs. Anna Kramer Daugs was born in Brandedberg (sic), Germany, November 17, 1873. When 17 years of age she came to Kennan, Wis., and there was married to August Daugs December 26th, 1898. There they made their home and lived until 1909, when they moved to Stutsman county, Mr. Daugs securing farm land three and one-half miles east of here.
Besides the husband there is left a mother and two brothers in Kennan, Wis., and two children here, Ella Nora, 9 years of age, and Paul, 15 years.
The remains were shipped here Monday and the funeral held from the Lutheran church Tuesday at 2 o’clock, Rev. Kupsky, of Kensal, officiating. Interment was made in Pingree cemetery.”
- August Karl Friederich Kramer born August 9, 1878 in Warthe, Uckermark, Brandenburg, Germany; August died March 17, 1917 in Chippewa Falls, Chippewa County, WI; buried in Kennan Cemetery, Price County, WI
Additional Information:
According to the New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists, page 4:
District of the City of New York, Port of New York
I, H. E. Nickels, Master of the S.S. Noordland do solemly, sincerely and truly (blank) that the following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs of the Collection District of the City of New York, is a full and perfect list of all the passengers taken on board the said vessel at Antwerp Belgium from which port said vessel has now arrived; and that on said list is truly designated the age, sex, calling, country of citizenship, native country, intended destination or location, number of pieces of luggage, location of compartment or space occupied, and date and cause of death of passengers as required by the Passenger Act of 1882; also a true statement so far as it can be ascertained, with reference to the intention of each alien passenger as to a protracted sojourn in this country. So Help me God.
Sworn to this Nov 21 1890
Names: Karl Kraemer, Age: 35; Sex: M; Calling: Laborer; Native Country: Germany, Intended Destination: Buffalo N York, Number of pieces of baggage: 3, Location of Compartment or space occupied: Aft S, Whether U.S. Citizens or not: No; Names: Wilhelmine Kraemer, Age: 39, Sex: F, Calling: Wife, Native Country: Germany, Intended Destination: Buffalo N York,Whether U.S. Citizens or not: No; Names: Anna Kraemer, Age: 11, Sex: F, Calling: Child, Native Country: Germany, Intended Destination: Buffalo N York, Whether U.S. Citizens or not: No; Names: August Kraemer, Age: 7, Sex: M, Calling: Child, Native Country: Germany, Intended Destination: Buffalo N York, Whether U.S. Citizens or not: No; Names: Wilh. Kraemer, Age: 5, Sex: M, Calling: Child, Native Country: Germany, Intended Destination: Buffalo N York, Whether U.S. Citizens or not: No”
According to the 1895 Wisconsin, U.S., State Censuses, 1855-1905 for Town of Kennan, Price County, WI:
“Carl Kramer, 3 males, 1 female, Nativity: Germany (4)”
According to the 1900 U.S. Census for Kennan Township, Price County, WI, the household members were:
“Wilemise Kramer, head, born September 1849, age 50, widowed, 6 children born, 3 children living, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Occupation: Farmer; August C Kramer, son, born August 1878, age 21, single, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Occupation: Farm laborer; William Kramer, son, born Jan. 1883, age 17, single, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Occupation: Farm laborer”
According to the 1905 Wisconsin State Censuses, 1895 and 1905 living in the Town of Kennan, Price County, WI, the household members were:
“Wilhelmina Kramer, head, age 55, widowed, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Occupation: Farmer; August Kramer, son, age 26, single, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Occupation: Farm laborer; William Kramer, son, age 22, single, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Occupation: Farm laborer”
According to the 1910 U.S. Census for Kennan Township, Price County, WI, the household members were:
“August Kramer, head, age 31, single, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Immigration year: 1891, Naturalized, Occupation: Farmer – General farm; William Kramer, brother, age 27, single, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Immigration year: 1891, Naturalized, Occupation: Laborer – General farm; Wilhelmena Kramer, mother, age 61, widowed, 5 children born, 3 children living, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Immigration Year: 1891”
According to the U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918:
“Name: William Kramer; Permanent Home Address: 1, Kennan, Price County, Wis; Age in Years: 35; Date of Birth: Jan 21 1883; Race: White; U.S. Citizen?: Naturalized; Present Occupation: Farming; Employer’s Name: Self; Nearest Relative: Wilhelmia Kramer, mother, 1 Kennan, Price County, Wis, Height: Short; Build: Medium; Color of Eyes: Brown; Color of Hair: Brown; Signed: Sept 12th 1918”
According to the 1920 U.S. Census for Kennan Town, Price County, WI, the household members were:
“William Kramer, head, age 37, single, Immigration year: 1890, Naturalized, Naturalization year: 1904, parents born in Germany, Occupation: Farmer; Wilhelmina Kramer, mother, age 70, widowed, Immigration year: 1890, Naturalization Status: Papers submitted, parents born in Germany, Occupation: House work”
According to the 1930 U.S. Census for Kennan Township, Price County, WI, the household members were:
“William Kramer, head, age 47, single, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Immigration year: 1890, Naturalized, Occupation: Farmer – Dairy Farm; Wilhilmina Kramer, mother, age 80, widowed, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, Immigration year: 1890, Naturalization status: Alien”
According to the 1940 U.S. Census for Kennan Town, Price County, WI, the household members were:
“William Kramer, head, age 57, single, Highest grade completed: 8, born in Germany, Naturalized, lived in same house in 1935, Occupation: Farmer – Farm; Wilhelmina Kramer, mother, age 90, widowed, Highest grade completed: 8, born in Germany, Citizenship: Alien, lived in same house in 1935; Dorothy Cork, housekeeper, age 34, single, Highest grade completed: 6, born in Wisconsin, lived in Rural, Price County, Wisconsin in 1935, Occupation: Housekeeper – Private family”
According to the U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942:
“Name: Wm. Kramer; Place of Residence: Kennan, Vill, Price County, Wis.; Mailing Address: Kennan, Wis.; Telephone: No; Age in Years: 59; Date of Birth: Jan. 21 – 1883; Place of Birth: Germany; Name and Address of Person Who Will Always Know Your Address: E. O. Kramer, Hawkins, Wis.; Employer’s Name and Address: Self; Place of Employment: Kennan, Wis. Vill., Price County, Wis.; Race: White; Height: 5-; Weight: 122; Eyes: Gray; Hair: Brown; Complexion: Light, Signed: April 24, 1942”
According to the 1950 U.S. Census for Hainesville, Lake County, IL living on Route 120, the household members were:
“William Kramer, head, age 67, married, born in Germany, Was he living in this same house a year ago?: Yes, What country were his father and mother born in?: Poland, What is the highest grade of school that he has attended?: S-8, Did he finish this grade?: Yes, Last year, in how many weeks did this person do any work at all?: None; Margaret Kramer, wife, age 67, married, born in Poland”