Martha M. (Reed) Lewis gravestone
(Photo by Vernon B. Paddock)

B. May 10, 1812 in Pomfret, Windsor County, VT
D. March 5, 1846 (NOTE: Martha may had died around the birth of her son, David O. Lewis, in 1846)
Find A Grave memorial (click here)

(NOTE: According to the Vermont, Vital Records, 1820-1908 there is a Martha Reed born May 10, 1812 to Levi and Martha Reed in Pomfret, VT.  First wife of David Crosby Lewis (1808-1885)

  • Father: Levi Reed born March 3, 1775 in Middleborough, Plymouth County, MA, son of Joshua Reed and Ruth Reed; Levi died in 1813

According to the Vermont Republican (Windsor VT) Monday, November 8, 1813, page 6:

“Levi Reed’s Estate. – We the subscribers having been appointed by Hon. Jesse Williams Esq. Judge of Probate for the district of Hartford, commissioners, to receive examine and adjust the claims of the several creditors to the estate of Levi Reed, late of Pomfret deceased represented insolvent, do hereby give notice that we will attend to the business of our appointment at the dwelling house of the widow Martha Reed in Pomfret in said district, on the last Tuesday of January and May next, from one to six o’clock, p. m on each of said days. John Bridge, Jona. Kingsley jr.} Com’rs. Pomfret, Dec. 20, 1813.”

  • Mother: Martha Patty (Winslow) Reed born May 28, 1781 in Pomfret, Windsor County, VT, daughter of Samuel Winslow (1735-1800) and Martha (Goodspeed) Winslow (1739-1813); Martha died February 21, 1860 in Windsor County, VT; buried in Cushing Cemetery, Woodstock, Windsor County, VT
  • Husband: David Crosby Lewis was born August 4, 1808 in Williamstown, Orange County, VT, son of Isaac Lewis (1766-1824) and Elizabeth “Betsey” (Cram) Lewis (1764-1845); married (1) Martha M. Reed; married (2) Abigail D. Hawley (1824-1850) on February 7, 1850 in McHenry County, IL, daughter of Ira Hawley (1792-1852) and Martha “Patty” (Barrows) Hawley (1795-1882) (See section pertaining to Abigail D. (Hawley) Lewis buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery); married (3) Martha H. Hawley (1818-1894), daughter of Ira Hawley (1792-1852) and Martha “Patty” (Barrows) Hawley (1795-1882); David died July 27, 1885; (See section pertaining to David Crosby Lewis buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery)
  • Children:
    1. Winslow R. Lewis born November 19 1832 in Wolcott, Lamoille County, VT; married (1) Jane Dyckes (1833-1972), daughter of Eliza (Newberry) Dyckes (1826-1899); married (2) Mary Estella Snively (1859-1946) on April 10, 1882 in Osage, Mitchell County, IA, daughter of Jacob S. Snively (1813-1899) and Anna (Buchner) Snively (1814-1887); Winslow died December 6, 1909 in Bismarck, Burleigh County, ND; Winslow, Jane and Mary are buried in Osage Cemetery, Osage, Mitchell County, IA

According to the Bismarck Tribune (Bismarck ND) Tuesday, December 7, 1909, page 4:

“WINSLOW R. LEWIS IS DEAD FROM APOPLEXY – END CAME SUDDENLY AT HIS HOME ON FIFTH STREET MONDAY. – Stricken With Apoplexy Sunday Forenoon – Remains Will Be Taken to Iowa for Interment. –  R. Lewis, one of the respected citizens of Bismarck, died at his home, 523 Fifth street, at half past three Monday afternoon.  He was taken with a stroke of apoplexy Sunday morning and from the time he was first taken it was known that there was no hopes for his ultimate recovery.  He is survived by a wife and six children, Elmer of Pasadena, Ca., and C. E. Leroy, Ward, Maude E. and Laura of this city.  Mr. Lewis was born in Vermont on Nov. 19, 1832.  He moved to Iowas when a young man and engaged in farming, moving to Bismarck in 1907, and has made his home here since that time.  While he and his family have made their home here only for a comporotively short time, they have gathered a circle of acquaintances who were shocked to hear of the death, and who deeply sympathize with the sorrowing relatives.  Aside from his family here he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Laura Gowdy of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Rose Beckwith of Rockefeller, Ill.  The funeral services will be held at the house this afternoon at 2:30 at which Rev. Magin will preside.  The body will then be taken to Osage, Ia., the former home, where they will be interred.  The remains will be accompanied by Mrs. Lewis and her son Ward.

2. Laura Ann (Lewis) Gowdy born 1836 in Williamstown, VT, married Lewis Gowdy about 1856; Laura died February 1, 1925 in Hennepin County, MN; buried in Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, MN

According to the Minneapolis Star (Minneapolis MN) Tuesday, February 3, 1925, page 7:

“GOWDY SERVICES HELD – Funeral services were conducted at Lakewood chapel at 11:30 a.m. today for Mrs. Lewis Gowdy, who died in Williamstown, Vt. She lived in Minneapolis since 1884.”

3. Sophia Mariah (Lewis) Becker born February 8, 1842 in Vermont; married William Henry Becker about 1865; lived in Concord, Bureau County, IL; Sophia died July 23, 1906; buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Wyanet, Bureau County, IL

According to the Bureau County Tribune (Princeton IL) Friday, July 27, 1906, page 12:

   “Mrs. Sophia Becker died at the home of her son-in-law William Bodfish, on East Peru street, Monday of this week.  She was in her sixty-fifth year.  Funeral services were held at the house Wednesday afternoon, and the remains were taken to Wyanet where services were held in the M. E. church.  Rev. C. E. Stebbins of West Bureau, officiating.  Burial was in the Wyanet cemetery.  An obituary notice will appear in the Tribune next week.”

According to the Bureau County Tribune (Princeton IL) Friday, August 3, 1906, page 7:

Sophia Lewis Becker.

   Sophia Lewis Becker was born in Williamston, Orange county, Vermont, Feb. 8, 1832 (sic) and died in Princeton, Ill. July 23, 1906.  When an infant she was brought by her parents to Lake county Ill., where they settled in 1864.  She married W. H. Becker in the town of Wyanet.  After a year’s residence in Paisippie, Ia, they returned and located at South Hickory, Bureau county.  May 2, 1903, Mr. Becker passed away very suddenly.  Since that time Mrs. Becker has been gradually failing.  In June it was discovreed (sic) that she had a malignant tumor.  A hurried visit was made to Chicago.  An operation was performed, but the disease was deep seated and there was no hope of her surviving only for a brief time.  She returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Bodfish, in Princeton, where everything was done to make her remaining days as comfortable as possible.  From this time she gradually failed until Sunday, when hemorrhages commenced and continued until she passed away.
   Around her bedside were her devoted children to comfort her and receive her last word and her blessing.  Much regret was expressed at the unavoidable absence of her son Philo and daughter Elzie.
   She was converted in early childhood and united with the United Brethren church at Manlius, where she held her membership at her death.
   She attended the Hickory Grove Sunday school and church and was an active worked in the cause of God.  During her last sickness she received much consolaton (sic) from the christian ministrations of her children who read God’s word and prayed with her often.  Her life was one of steadfast faith and as a blessing to the world.
   She leaves eight children, four sons, Philo, of Minn., and Alva, Albert and Clarence of Hickory; also four daughers (sic), Mrs. Edna Storrs, of Amboy, Minn.; Mrs. Bodfish of Princeton, Ill; Mrs. Jessie Ross, of Minn.; Mrs. Elzie Bickford, of Kewanee, Ill.  Also two sisters, Mrs. Laura Goowdy (sic) of Minneapolis Minn. and Mrs. Ross Beckwith, of Lake county, Ill., and one brother, Winslow R. Lewis, of Osage, Iowa.
   The funeral was held at the residence of her daughter in Princeton Wednesday, at 12:30, conducted by Rev. C. E. Stebbins, of West Bureau.  Rev. Slaughter of the M. E. church offered prayer.  Her remains were taken to Wyanet, where a service was held in the M. E. church at 2:30.  Rev. Courtright and Rev. J. G. Brook, a former pastor assisting at the services.  Comforting music was furnished by the Princeton choir of the M. E. church.
   Interment was made in the family lot in Forest Hill cemetery.”

4. David O. Lewis born 1846; David died March 6, 1858; (See section pertaining to David O. Lewis buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery)

  • Siblings:
    • Laura (Reed) Davis born July 12, 1810 in Pomfret, Windsor County, VT; married Samuel Davis (1811-1888) on October 19, 1834 in Walpole, Cheshire County, NY; Laura died March 6, 1900 in East Charleston, Orleans County, VT; Laura and Samuel are buried in Hillside Cemetery, East Charleston, Orleans County, VT

According to the Essex County Herald (Island Port VT) Friday, March 9, 1900, page 3:

“Mrs. Laura Davis, aged almost 90 years, died at the home of her son M. C. Davis in this town last Tuesday night. Three sons survive her, M. C. Davis, M. R. Davis of Boston and B. F. Davis of East Charleston.  Funeral services and interment on Friday at East Charleston.”