Infant son Morse gravestone
(Photo by Vernon B. Paddock)

B. May 26, 1851
D. September 15, 1851
Find A Grave memorial (click here)

  • Father: Enoch Morse, Jr. born about 1807 son of Judge Morse; married Amy Marble on February 7, 1835 in Cuyahoga County, OH; Enoch died October 12, 1883; buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Waukegan, Lake County, IL

According to the Painesville Telegraph (Painesville OH) October 25, 1883:

“Death of Enoch Morse.
   Waukegan (Illinois) Gazette.

   On Friday, October 12th, at the ripe age of seventy-six years, Enoch Morse died at his home in this city. He was a son of the late Judge Morse, of Wayne county, N.Y., and was born in Vienna N. Y., May 12th, 1807. In 1827 he removed to Ohio, and in 1834 was married to his present wife, who was a daughter of the late Levi Marble, Esq., subsequently a resident of this county. Mr. Morse was a pioneer in this county, having come here from Ohio in 1839, settling first upon his farm in the southwest part of the township of Avon. There he lived for some ten or twelve years, when he removed to Waukegan, which has since been his constant home except that he has once or more moved upon his farm for a short time. During his active years he followed the trade of a gunsmith. He was successful in his business, and accumulated a considerable amount of property, being the owner, at the time of his death of more than a section of valuable farming land in this county and of a fine homestead in this city. He was a robust, healthy man up to within two years ago, when he first stricken with paralysis. Since that time he has sustained two strokes, the last one on Monday last. The first ones prostrated him quite fully and confined him to the house for a few weeks, but he had regained his strength so far as to be able to walk over town and to do some light work. Even on Monday last he spent a considerable part of the day about the city, but that evening sustained the stroke which caused his death. He was conscious until near the close, but did not fully regain the power of speech, and failed throughout the week until Friday, when he died at about 11 o’clock in the forenoon. He lived respected and gained and retained the confidence and esteem of all who came to know him well through his long life. His sympathy for those in trouble was quick and practical, and there will be many besides those of his own family who will experience a sense of sorrow at the knowledge of his death. His wife and two children, Col. C. C. Morse, of Avon, and Mrs. Julia Fredericks, of this city, survive him. The funeral will be held from the family residence at 2 o’clock on Sunday afternoon. Deceased was a former resident of Painesville, and a brother of our townsmen, Messrs. Chauncey and Christopher Morse.”

According to the Lake County Independent (Libertyville IL) Friday, January 6, 2011, page 1:


Colonel Chancey Morse Died
December Thirtieth After
Eventful and Very Use-
ful Career.
   Died, December 30, 1910, at Grayslake, Colonel Chauncey Morse, aged 99

   A son, John, cashier of the bank at Grayslake, and a daughter, Amy White of Grayslake, survive him.  His wife, Mary, nee Lewis, died some two or three years ago.  The colonel was in poor healthy for some years and partial blindness afflicted him for the past year or two.
   At the first call for troops by President Lincoln in 1861, the “colonel” as he was familiarly called by his friends was studying law under the firm of Blodgett, Upton & Williams of this city.  He, with many others, made up a company and was ordered to Springfield.  Some disagreement occurred and the company disbanded.  Morse and Payne then joined the 37th Illinois Infantry Volunteers.  “The Deerhounds” was a sobriquet they gained by the great number of miles the regiment marched.
   The colonel was well liked by his comrades as an efficient officer and as a genial companion.
   After mustering out in May, 1866, after serving his country for fully five years, he settled on a large farm just west of Hainesville, where he lived the Wisconsin Central railroad caused the building of the now thriving village of Grayslake.
   Here he built a fine residence and retired from active life.
   Interment was made at Oakwood cemetery, at 2 oclock yesterday, services being held in the chapel.
   Owing to the extreme cold, the services at the grave were thinly attended; brief, appropriate and affecting services were held ending with the Lord’s prayer.
   A moment or two of deep silence followed,  then Commander  Rankin with his bugle rendered “Taps” most exquisitely, every note full and clear, the last soothing and a restful as the lullaby of a mother over her sleeping babe.”

According to “A History of Lake County, Illinois” John J. Halsey, LL.D. Chicago. 1912, page 398:

“The first inhabitants of the Town of Avon were R. O. Parker, F. C. Wilbur and Frank Fisher, R. O. Parker was the township’s first postmaster; the first store was opened by Bennett & Reynolds.  William Wedge, of Waukegan, claims to be the first white child born in Avon.  Among other early settlers may be mentioned Lawrence Forvor, Abner Fox, Henry Dombski, John Morrill, O. P. Barren, Chauncey C. Morse, George Battershall.”

 According to “A History of Lake County, Illinois” John J. Halsey, LL.D. Chicago. 1912, page 399-400:

Col. C. C. Morse was born in Painesville, Ohio, August 15, 1839, and came to Lake county the same year with his parents, Enoch and Mary Morse, who settled on part of Sections 29 and 32 in Avon Township, just south of the present Village of Round Lake, on land obtained from the government and still owned by the Morse family.  In April, 1861, he joined Ellsworth’s Chicago Zouaves, who arrived in Springfield too late to muster and so returned home.  Mr. Morse again enlisted about August 1, 1861, in Co. C, 37th Illinois Infantry and was mustered out May 15, 1865, at Houston, Texas.  The regiment disbanded in Springfield, Illinois, in the following June.  After the war he took up the practice of law, being at one time in partnership with C. T. Heydecker.  Lake County has been his home for seventy years and nearly one-third of his time he has lived at Gray’s Lake, practicing law in the courts of Northern Illinois until a few years ago, when he retired upon the death of his wife.  Col. Morse died December 30, 1910.”

    • Julia A. (Morse) Fredericks born about 1846 in Illinois; married John M. Fredericks (1842-1876) on March 20, 1867 in Lake County, IL; John was a Civil War Veteran, Company D, 146th Illinois Infantry; Julia was widowed by 1880 with one child, Enoch Fredericks (1868-1933), age 11; Julia died September 16, 18896 in Waukegan, Lake County, IL

Additional Information:

According to the 1850 U.S. Census for the Town of Avon, Lake County, IL the household members were:

“Enoch Morse, Jr., age 43, occupation: gunsmith, born in New York; Amy Morse, age 35, born in New York; Chauncey Morse, age 11, born in Ohio; Julia A. Morse, age 4, born in Illinois”

According to the 1860 U.S. Census for the City of Waukegan, Lake County, IL with a Waukegan post office the household members were:

“E. Morse, age 52, occupation: gunsmith, born in New York; Emmy (sic) Morse, age 45, born in New York; Chancy (sic) Morse, age 20, occupation: (illegible) at Law, born in Ohio; Julia A. Morse, age 14, born in Illinois”

According to the 1870 U.S. Census for the Town of Avon, Lake County, IL with a Hainesville post office the household members were:

“Enoch Morse, age 63, occupation: farmer, born in New York; Amy Morse, age 55, born in New York; Julia A. Fredericks, age 24, born in Illinois; John J. Fredericks, age 28, occupation: farmer, born in New York; Enoch M. Fredericks, age 2, born in Illinois; Henry Stratton, age 21, occupation: works on farm, born in New York”