Dorothy “Dora” (Greese) Priemer gravestone
(Photo by Vernon B. Paddock)

B. March 19, 1897 in Germany
D. March 24, 1965
Find A Grave memorial (click here)

Additional Information:

According to the 1940 U.S. Census for Schaumburg Township, Cook County, IL living on Roselle Route 1, the household members were:

“Fred Primer (sic Priemer), head, age 54, married, highest grade completed: 8, born in Germany, lived in Dundee, Kane County, IL in 1935, occupation: bar tender – tavern; Dorothy Primer, wife, age 43, married, highest grade completed: 8, born in Germany, living in Dundee, Kane County, IL in 1935; Freddie Primer, son, age 4, single, born in Illinois”

According to the 1950 U.S. Census for Glenview Village, Northfield Township, Cook County, IL living on 1852 Prairie, the household members were:

“Fred Priemer, head, age 65, married, born in Germany, Naturalized?: Yes, Occupation: Bartender – Tavern, Was he living in this same house a year ago?: Yes, What country were his father and mother born in?: Germany, What is the highest grade of school that he has attended?: S10, Did he finish this grade?: Yes, Last year in how many weeks did this person do any work at all?: 48, Last year (1949) how much money did he earn working as an employee for wages or salary?: $4,000, Did he ever serve in the U.S. Armed Forces during – WWII?: No, WWI?: No, Any other time including present service?: No; Dorothy Priemer, wife, age 53, married, born in Germany, Naturalized: Yes; Fred Priemer, son, age 14, never married, born in Illinois”