Florence Bessie (Cook) (Scheidler) Cloos gravestone
(Photo by Vernon B. Paddock)
B. June 15, 1914 in Cornell, Chippewa County, WI
D. May 23, 2004 in Robbinsdale, Hennepin County, MN
Find A Grave memorial (click here)
- Father: Hans Olson Cook born April 30, 1889 in Bangor, La Crosse County, WI, son of Peter O. Cook and Christina (Mock) Cook; Veteran (July 26, 1918 – March 30, 1919); married Sarah Jane Russell in 1914; Hans died May 18, 1947 in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, MN; buried at Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, MN
According to the Minneapolis Star (Minneapolis MN) Tuesday, May 20, 1947, page 11:
“Hans Cook 58, prominent Minnesota conservationist , at Red Wing, Minn. He was prominent throughout the state as a fish and minnow planter and was a veteran of World War I.”
- Mother: Sarah Jane (Russell) Cook born January 25, 1894 in Rice Lake, Barron County, WI, daughter of Peter R. Russell (1861-?) and Rachel E. (Kennedy) Russell (1862-?); Sarah died September 25, 1960 in Waukegan, Lake County, IL; buried at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, MN
According to the U.S., Veterans’ Gravesites, ca. 1775-2019:
“Name: Sarah Jane Cook; Death Age: 66; Birth Date: 25 Jan 1894; Death Date: 25 Sep 1960; Internment Date: 27 Sep 1960; Internment Place: Minnesota, USA; Cemetery Address: 7601 34th Avenue, South Minneapolis, MN 55450; Cemetery: Ft. Snelling National Cemetery; Plot: Section A-19 Site 4149; Relationship: Wife; Spouse: Hans Olson Cook; Notes: Pvt Us Army; Comments: Wife of Cook, Hans Olson”
According to the U.S., National Cemetery Interment Control Forms, 1928-1962:
“Last Name – First Name – Middle Initial: Cook, Sarah Jane w/o Cook, Hans Olson; Grade: Pvt; Service Number: 4 069 108; Name of Cemetery: Fort Snelling National; Enlistment: 26 Jul 1918; Separation: 30 Mar 1919; Service Data: Co G, 107 Inf; WWI; Emblem: Christian; Date of Birth: Jan 25 1894; Date of Death: Sep 25 1960; Date of Interment: Sep 27 1960; Grave Location: Section A, Grave No. 4149; Dept of Grave: 5 ft; Casket in Vault; Name and Address of Next of Kin: Mrs. Florence Cloos, Daughter, Lake Villa, Illinois; Remarks: Auth: Reservation, dated 21 May 1947. Husband, Hans Olson Cook buried in Grave 4148, Sec A, Blk 19.; Shipping Point for Headstone: Green Mountain Marble Co, West Rutland, VT, Fort Snelling, Minnesota; Place of Death: Waukegan, Illinois; Religious Denomination of Decendent: Protestant; Name of Funeral Director: Edstrom (Red Wing, Minn.); Name of Chaplain Officiating at Burial Service: Rev. Bingea; Typed Name of Superintendent: Ralph R. Dea.”
- Husband 1: Edward George Scheidler born August 16, 1912 in Yanktown County, SD, son of George D. Scheidler (1885-1970) and Florence N. (Whitlatch) Scheidler (1892-1986); Navy Veteran, World War II; married (1) Florence Bessie Cook; married (2) Ruth E. (Martin) Peterson (1922-2004) on September 28, 1963 in Hennepin County, MN; Edward died November 21, 1982 in Rochester, Olmsted County, MN; Edward and Ruth are buried in Byron Cemetery, Bryon, Olmsted County, MN
- Husband 2: Frances James “Frank” Cloos born December 13, 1928 in Cook County, IL, son of Frank Christ Cloos (1901-1962) and Dorothy Cloos (1906-?) (See section pertaining to Frank Christ Cloos buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery); married (1) Lovie Lorraine Lake, daughter of Raymond Francis Lake (1910-1964) and Fayola G. “Belle” (Shattuck) (Sepherd) Lake (1905-1971) (See section pertaining to Raymond Francis Lake buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery) (See section pertaining to Fayola G. “Belle” (Shattuck) (Shepherd) Lake buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery) ; married (2) Florence Bessie (Cook) Scheidler about 1963; Frances died in 1970 (See section pertaining to Frances James “Frank” Closs buried in the Fort Hill Cemetery)
- Children:
- Edward Allen “Buddy” Scheidler born July 7, 1934 in Minnesota; married (1) Phyllis Jean Anderson (1934-?) on December 5, 1955 in Anoka, Anoka County, MN and divorced on August 30, 1972 in Anoka County, MN; married (2) Gayle Peterson on August 10, 1973 in Codington County, SD and divorced on December 18, 1974 in Dakota County, MN; married (3) Lavonne M. Brinker on April 19, 1975 in Codington County, SD and divorced on October 26, 1979 in Hennepin County, NH; Edward died July 5, 2013 in Annandale, Wright County, MN
According to the Minnesota, U.S., Death Index, 1908-2017:
“Name: Edward Allen Scheidler; Gender: Male; Marital status: Divorced (And Not Remarried) (Divorced); Death Age: 78; Record Type: Cremation: Birth Date: 7 Jul 1934; Birth Place: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; Residence Place: Annandale, Wright, Minnesota, United States; Occupation: Ceiling Sprayer; Education: 9th through 12th grade; no diploma; Industry: Construction; Death Date: 5 Jul 2013; Hospital: St Cloud Hospital; Death Place: Saint Cloud, Stearns, Minnesota, United States; Death Registration Date: 2013; Cemetery: Cremation Society of Minnesota Crematory; Burial Place: Edina, Minnesota; Cremation Place: Edina, Minnesota, United States; Mother’s Maiden Name: Cook; Informant: Dennis Allen Scheidler; Informant Relation: Son; Informant Residence: Clearwater, Minnesota, United States; Father: Edward George Scheidler; Mother: Florence Bessie Scheidler; Certificate Number: 2013-MN-021638”
2. August Dale Scheidler born September 16, 1935 in Hennepin County, MN; Veteran (March 18, 1954 – August 31, 1977); married (1) Alice Melvina Hanson on August 24, 1956 in Hennepin County, MN; married (2) Elois J (unknown last name); August died November 15, 2007; buried in Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, MN
According to the Minnesota, U.S., Death Index, 1908-2017:
“Name: August Dale Scheidler; Gender: Male; Marital Status: Widowed; Death Age: 72; Record Type: Burial; Birth Date: 16 Sep 1935; Birth Place: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; Residence Place: Chaska, Carver, Minnesota, United States: Occupation: Logger; Education: 12 Years; Industry: Self Employed; Death Date: 15 Nov 2007; Death Place: Chaska, Carver, Minnesota, United States; Death Registration Date: 2007; Burial Date: 20 Nov 2007; Cemetery: Fort Snelling National Cemetery; Burial Place: Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA; Mother’s Maiden Name: Cook; Informant: Elaine Toffefson; Informant Relation: Neice (Niece); Father Edward George Scheidler; Mother: Florence Bessie Scheidler; Certificate Number: 2007-MN-032327”
According to the U.S., Veterans’ Gravesites, ca. 1775-2019:
“Name: August D Scheidler; Rank: Staff Sergeant; Death Age: 72; Birth Date: 16 Sep 1935; Death Date: 15 Nov 2007; Internment Place: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; Cemetery Address: 7601 34th Avenue; South; Cemetery Postal Code: 55450; Cemetery: Ft. Snelling National Cemetery; Section: 32; Plot: 1843; War: Korea; Vietnam; Branch of Service: US Army; Relative: August D. Scheidler; Comments: Veteran (Self)”
3. Baby Boy Scheidler born November 30, 1938 in Hennepin County, MN; “Baby Boy” died November 30, 1938 in Hennepin County, MN
4. Roger Lyndon Scheidler born February 7, 1943; Roger married (1) Robin J. Miller and divorced on December 7, 1978 in Hennepin County, MN; married (2) Catherine Joyce Vance on May 22, 1981 in Clark County, NV; Roger died June 3, 2018 in Lino Lakes, Anoka County, MN
According to the St. Paul Pioneer Press (St. Paul MN) June 16, 2018:
“SCHEIDLER Roger Age 75, died peacefully at home on 6/3/2018. Survived by loving wife of 37 years, Cathy; two loyal fur babies, Jack and Brinkley; and numerous relatives and friends. Celebration of Life Friday, June 22 from 3-8p.m at the Lino Lakes Legion. Memorials preferred.”
Additional Information:
According to the 1905 Wisconsin, U.S., State Censuses, 1855-1905 for Town of Sparta, Monroe County, Wisconsin the household members were:
“Peter Russell, head, age 43, married, born in New York, parents born in New York occupation: farming; Rachel Russell, wife, age 43, born in Wisconsin, parents born in Indiana; Walter W. Russell, son, age 19, single, born in Wisconsin, occupation: farm laborer; Irving C. Russell, son, age 15, single, born in Wisconsin, occupation: farm laborer; Sarah J. Russell, daughter, age 11, single, born in Wisconsin; Joseph Russell, son, age 2, single, born in Wisconsin.”
According to the 1920 U.S. Census for Town of Kingston, Kingston Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin, living at Necedah Road, the household members were:
“Peter R. Russell, head, age 58, married, born in New York, parents born in New York, occupation: laborer – general work; Rachael E. Russell, wife, age 58, married, born in Wisconsin, parents born in Wisconsin; Ervin C. Russell, son, age 30, single, born in Wisconsin, occupation: laborer – general work; Joseph A. Russell, son, age 18, single, born in Wisconsin, occupation – laborer – general work; Mrs. Sarah J. Cook, daughter, age 27, married, born in Wisconsin; Florence B. Cook, grand daughter, age 5 6/12, single, born in Wisconsin.”
According to the 1930 U.S. Census for City of Anoka, Anoka County, Minnesota the household members were:
“Hans O. Cook, head, age 40, married at age 21, born in Wisconsin, father born in Denmark, mother born in Germany, occupation: none; Sarah J. Cook, wife, age 36, married, married at age 19, born in Wisconsin, father born in New York, mother born in Ohio; Florence B. Cook, daughter, age 15, single, born in Wisconsin.”
According to the U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995 (Minneapolis, Minnesota, City Directory, 1938):
“Scheidler Edw G (Florence) pntr h1318 S 9th
According to the 1940 U.S. Census for Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota living at 201 E. Franklin, the household members were:
“Edward Scheidler, head, age 27, married, highest grade completed: 7; born in South Dakota, lived in same house in 1935; occupation: interior decorator – independent; Florence Scheidler, wife, age 25, married, highest grade completed: 7, born in Wisconsin, lived in same house in 1935; Edward Scheidler Jr., son, age 5, single, highest grade completed: 1, born in Minnesota, lived in same house in 1935; August Scheidler, son, age 4, single, born in Minnesota.”
According to the 1950 U.S. Census for Richfield, Hennepin County, MN living at 1700 W 76, the household members were:
“Edward B. Scheidler, head, age 37, married, born in South Dakota, Occupation: Taxi Cab Driver – Tan Cab Co. Transportation; Florence B. Scheidler, wife, age 34, married, born in Wisconsin, Occupation: Waitress – Restaurant, Was he living in this same house a year ago?: Yes, Parents born in the US, What is the highest grade of school that he was attended?: S-7, Did he finish this grade?: No, Last year in how many weeks did this person do any work at all?: None, Last year (1949) how much money did he earn working as an employee for wages or salary?: None; Edward A. Scheidler, son, age 15, never married, born in Minnesota, Occupation: Setting pins – Recreation Bowling Alley; August D. Scheidler, son, age 14, never married, born in Minnesota; Roger L. Scheidler, son, age 7, never married, born in Minnesota”
According to the Antioch News (Antioch IL) December 12, 1973:
Specialist five Roger L. Scheidler, son of Mrs. Florence Cloos, Route 2, Lake Villa, Ill., participated in the U.S. Readiness Commands exercise Brave Shield Vi in western Texas and southern New Mexico.
The three-week training exercise, involving Army, Air Force, Army Reserve and Army and Air National Guard troops, included ground maneuvers at Ft. Bliss, Tex., and a mock air war concentrated over White Sands Missile Range, N.M.
Joint training of U.S.-Based combat ready Army and Air conventional forces is a major part of the mission assigned to the readiness command at Mac Drill Air Force Base, Fla. through exercises such as Brave Shield Vi. The command insures that its general purpose combat forces are ready when and if needed to reinforce other U.S. United Commands.
Spec. Scheidler is a helicopter Technical Inspector, 1st squadron of the 1st cavalry division’s 9th cavalry at Ft. Hood, Tex.
His wife, Robin, lives in Kempner, Tex.”
According to the Minnesota, U.S., Death Index, 1908-2017:
“Name: Florence B Cloos; Maiden Name: Cook; Gender: Female; Marital status: Widowed; Death Age: 89; Record Type: Cremation; Birth Date: 15 Jun 1914; Birth Place: Cornell, Wisconsin, USA; Residence Place: Osseo, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States; Occupation: Housewife and Mother; Education: 10 years; Industry: at home; Death Date: 23 May 2004; Hospital: North Memorial Medical Center; Death Place: Robbinsdale, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States; Death Registration Date: 2004; Cemetery: East Central Cremation Society; Cremation Date: 25 May 2004; Mother’s Maiden Name: Russell; Informant: Roger Scheidler; Informant Relation: Son; Father: Hans Cook; Mother: Sarah Jane Cook; Certificate Number: 2004-MN-015962”
According to the U.S., Social Security Application and Claims Index, 1936-2007:
“Name: Florence Bessie Scheidler (Florence Bes Cloos) (Florence Cloos) (Florence Bessie Cook); Gender: Female; Race: White: Birth Date: 14 Jun 1914; Birth Place: (Kornell, Wisconsin (Cornell, Wisconsin); Death Date: 23 May 2004; Father: Hans Cook; Mother: Sarah Russell: SSN: 473202977; Notes: Apr 1942: Name listed as Florence Bessie Scheidler; Oct 1963: Name listed as Florence Bes Cloos; 03 Jun 2004: Name listed as Florence B Cloos.”